Sunday, February 11, 2007

Weely Horoscope ( Feb 12-18)

Lucky No:-21
Color:-Blue (midnight)
Your continuous search for a caring and understanding lover/beloved is not likely to materalise this week. However let it not unnerve you, rather continue your efforts because there are indications that very soon they would catch the attraction of your dream person. Therefore, make these disappointments your stepping stones to succeed.

Lucky no-3
Color Orange
This week there are chances of confronting some boring romance. It would therefore be better if you take some initiatives to defuse it. It is better to do something creative to enable your partner to enjoy the ecstasies of love. Don`t allow boredom in your romance because it will only bring disappointment to both of you. You will be highly benefited if you keep in mind that love is a serious business and one should always strive to keep it alive and vibrant.

Lucky no2
color-Cherry Red
Your long wait to get a positive response at the romantic front is not likely to be realised this week. It would therefore require some new initiatives on your part to get a favourable response. The time has come when you should try to be a realist in your affair. Keep in mind that love being directly related to the heart needs the consent of both partners to move the relationship.


Unknown said...

please forward me the Horoscope for 2007.Pisces.