Sunday, September 30, 2007

Daily Forecasts - 1/10/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
Generally you are a very sociable person, dear Aries, and today you aren't likely to slow down any. Invitations to all kinds of parties, from intimate coffee klatches to big neighborhood bashes continue to come in. There may be too many for you to handle, so you might find yourself having to turn some of them down - which goes against your nature! You don't want to miss anything. Pick those most important to you, and leave the rest. Enjoy!

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
You and other members of your household might suddenly decide to do one more thorough clean-up of your house, dear Taurus. Usually this would be a good idea, but today, it doesn't really need it, and you might tend to work too hard doing too much. Do you really need to clean out your closets now? Dust and vacuum, then spruce it up a little with some more decorations, and that should be enough for now. Relax!

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
Too many people may be making demands on your time right now, dear Gemini. Some may have genuine concerns and need your assistance, but others have definite agendas of their own that they really should deal with on their own. Use your intuition to judge which is which, because you won't be able to help them all. Tip: a woman might be the one with the most urgent need. If you can only help one, go for her.

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
A lot of creative work may need to be finished by today, dear Cancer. If you're involved professionally with writing, a deadline may be looming. It may be difficult to get it done, however, because family members and guests could be constantly going in and out and keeping you from concentrating. The best course of action might be to go somewhere quiet, like a Cancerry, and do your work there. Think about it!

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
What's happening in your community today that attracts crowds, dear Leo? A parade? A festival of some kind? Some friends may want you to go there with them. You might think you're too busy, but an hour or two away from your chores certainly won't hurt. Take some time out - this is a time for having fun! If you want to, go! You could meet some interesting people.

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
You may be too liberal with your money right now, dear Virgo. Generally you are very careful with it, but the spirit of generosity and abundance is definitely upon you, and you're more inclined than ever to be generous with those you care for. After all is said and done, though, you could go into a panic. Don't! You're good at making money, and a little belt-tightening to catch up later is entirely possible to work out, and won't hurt you. Within limitations, follow your heart.

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Generally you love talking, dear Libra, and don't usually tire of it, but right now you've probably exhausted your limit. You've attended a number of gatherings and talked to a lot of people over the past week or so, and now you just want to sit quietly at home. If friends or family members insist on your going out with them, don't be afraid to say no. Everyone knows how busy you've been! Take some time to yourself and relax.

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
Have you been indulging in too many goodies, dear Scorpio? You might feel somewhat under the weather today because of all this abundance. Therefore you probably should take it easy. Take advantage of your mood to think about re-organizing your priorities. Is a second piece of chocolate cake more important than your energy and health? Indulging can be important to our psychological sense of self-care, but don't forget about moderation-and don't forget that there are many other ways in which you can indulge yourself...

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
It has been said that you can never have too many friends, dear Sagittarius, but today you might wonder if perhaps you do. Your phone could very well be ringing off the hook. One person after another will be soliciting you for advice and for your famous shoulder to cry on. Be patient, one day you may need them to be there for you. Try to listen, and to keep your sense of humor about you!

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
A public gathering of some kind could attract you and your family tonight, dear Capricorn. Perhaps you'll arrange to meet some friends there. You may feel good just being out with those you love, but you're likely to be tired by the end of the event. Make sure you fortify yourself with nourishing food during the day. Take care of yourself so that you can have some fun.

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
Too many phone calls and visits may be on your agenda for today, dear Aquarius. You might also have a few last-minute errands to run in your neighborhood - but it won't be easy, probably because of crowds and jammed traffic. Nonetheless, your sense of excitement and enthusiasm is helping you to tolerate conditions that would normally be too frustrating for words. Furthermore, you're having fun! Go to it, and enjoy your day.

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
You may have lost your usual control of your purse strings and spent too much money lately, dear Pisces. Don't worry about it. It's all been for a good cause, and it's nothing you can't handle, and certainly not enough to bankrupt you. The situation is only temporary, anyway. The financial picture looks great for you in the months to come. Make the most of it!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Daily Forecast - 30/09/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
There are potentially several opportunities open to you, dear Aries, which weren't there at all before. The key is to take advantage of whatever opportunity presents itself right now. Find freedom in the strange and new. Be a pioneer person and venture out into unknown. This is a day to expand and reach new heights by having more confidence in yourself and your abilities. Things will get stale and boring if you keep doing the same things over and over again.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Be brazen and bold in your actions today, dear Taurus. This may be a hard direction for you to move in at first, but you will find that it is the most effective way to get where you need to go. Unexpected ripples of emotion may cause you to go in unconventional directions. Let yourself flow freely. This is an important time for you to get up and get moving in response to these powerful emotions.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
The name of the game for you today is emotional freedom, dear Gemini. Your senses are heightened and you will find that the smallest things capture your attention today. Do not delay in your response to these events, big or small. You will find that the smallest event may
blossom into a whole new world of people and situations. Feel free to let your creativity explode into every part of your being.

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
This is no time to be a stick in the mud, dear Cancer. Don't be the weak link in the chain. You will find that the energy of the day is to get up and go. So either lead, follow, or get out of the way. There are no excuses for you to back down. When opportunity knocks, you need to be ready with your bags packed. Your emotions may lead you down new and unexpected paths.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
Reserve some time today that is explicitly your own, dear Leo. Unexpected events are likely to pop up and cause a stir in your emotions. Giving yourself personal space to digest and deal with them will keep you from suppressing your reaction to them. Make sure you have our internal maelstrom of thoughts settled before you get yourself tangled in the affairs of others.

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
Try not to be so serious and intense today, dear Virgo. Walk with a lighter step and don't feel like you always need to be in control of every single thing you come in contact with. Take more of a go-with-the-flow attitude and you will be in exactly the place you need to be. Extreme actions will lead to extreme consequences, and there is no need for that sort of behavior.

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Don't miss any opportunities today, dear Libra. No matter how tired you may feel, this is not the time to rest. This is one of those days when it is simply easier to be you. There is no need to shy away or hide your true desires. Say what you want and you will get it. There is no need to beat around the bush. Keep in mind, however, that there are unexpected energies that will get thrown into the mix.

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
Your plans may be shot to pieces today, dear Scorpio, but this does not mean that you should give up hope in any way. Sometimes it is necessary to let go of control and simply let things happen as they will. Adopt a spirit of adventure and take risks that you normally wouldn't. There is distinct advantage to being spontaneous and working harmoniously with the unexpected events that are bound to crop up.

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Today is one of those days when you have a terrific opportunity to break free from the normal rhetoric of everyday life, dear Sagittarius. Don't feel badly if you don't know exactly which way to go. Follow your gut feeling, and whichever way you decide to go is probably the right one. Your forceful, erratic approach may actually be the perfect method for getting exactly where you need to go.

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
Sometimes your daydreaming may lead you way out of your body into a place well beyond time and space, dear Capricorn. Your romantic nature wants to escape into this plane and never touch back down to the real world. Feel free to take a giant step toward that which tickles your fancy. Take the more lofty approach and encourage others to share your dreams, instead of letting them weigh you down.

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
Generally speaking, this should be quite a good day for you, dear Aquarius. You should have no problem setting a fast pace and sticking to it. There are opportunities in the strange and bizarre. Don't limit yourself by thinking narrow-mindedly. Let the electricity of the day lighten up the atmosphere and give your attitude the jolt it needs to get back on target. Be open to new ideas.

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
Things may be moving a bit too fast for your liking today, dear Pisces. Make sure you continue at your own pace so that you don't get pushed into something you don't want to do. Eliminate all fear from your being. You will find that the more receptive and accepting you are, the more opportunities will come your way. Have faith in yourself and your actions by refusing to mindlessly follow whatever is going on in the crowd.

Daily Forecasts - 29/08/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
You are likely to fit in perfectly to whatever situation you find yourself in today, dear Aries. Bring your thoughts and opinions to the table and let them be known. Whether you are in a current relationship right now or not, it is quite likely that you are going to want to flirt with
every person who catches your eye. Keep things light and spontaneous and you can't go wrong.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Try to smile as much as possible today, dear Taurus, whether you feel like it or not. If it really is too hard to put on a happy face, you may just want to stick to yourself at home. No one is going to want to see you frown on such a lively, uplifting day like this one. Don't be the downer in the crowd. Let your moods swing to the happy side of the pendulum.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
Spread your news far and wide today, dear Gemini. You will find that others are quite receptive to your fun-loving, agreeable nature. Do things with partners. Linking up with the group energy is likely to be rewarding, so make plans to go out and be social. Go shopping for new clothes and display them proudly tonight on an excursion out on the town. Keep your chin up at all times.

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
Happiness is about finding joy in the simple and routine things that must get done, dear Cancer. Try not to see tasks and chores as activities you loathe. Set your mind into a framework in which you find pleasure and satisfaction in attending to details like watering the plants. These activities are best enjoyed with a close partner - especially on a day like this.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
You should find yourself in a generally good mood today, dear Leo, and you will find that connections with others prove to be extremely rewarding. People are starting to see your perspective on things, and peace is the name of the game. Lead the way in promoting harmony
and balance among your circle of friends and associates. Be the center of attention and command the respect of others by your display of honesty and diplomacy.

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
Action you take today might be met with resistance, dear Virgo, so be careful. This is not a day to pick a fight. In fact, the name of the game is peace and harmony. If you take blatant steps to disrupt this balance, you will be seen as the bad guy. Try not to get put off by other people's need for attention. Their attitude might annoy you, but it is not your right to judge others.

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Have fun today, dear Libra. Put your worries aside and live this day as if it were your last on Earth. Keep a light and cheery outlook on life and don't dwell on minor mishaps. This is a day to enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling no matter what circumstances may arise. You will
find that your good mood is contagious, and that pretty soon you will be the pied piper of good cheer and a positive attitude.

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
Today is a day to be happy, dear Scorpio, so stop thinking so negatively. It could be that people around you may seem superficial and arrogant, but try not to judge them or say things about them behind their backs. Live and let live. You will find that the more you extend good cheer and a general positive feeling outward to others, the more this feeling will get bounced back to you.

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Yes, it is your turn, dear Sagittarius, so step up to the plate and take the initiative. Don't waste your time anymore waiting for someone else to take the lead. If you don't like the way things are going in a current situation, stand up and demand change. You have a refreshing new outlook on things that is healing, and in some ways very revolutionary. Validate this point of view and promote it to the people around you.

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
You are apt to see things more clearly today than other people, dear Capricorn. Try to be tactful in your approach to bringing these things to their attention. Diplomacy and balance is the name of the game. You might just want to shrink into the background and not voice your opinion, but this is really not doing anyone any good. Say what you need to say.

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
You are probably going to have the urge to show off your abilities to a loved one today, dear Aquarius. Perhaps you are in the mood to impress them with a bizarre talent of yours that no one else knows about. Feel free to demonstrate your self-worth to the people around you. There is no need to hide the gifts that you have. Other people are apt to find your antics totally entertaining.

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
Seek out the beautiful and marvelous today, dear Pisces! It is one of those times when the cheap and shoddy just won't do. You need the Rolls Royce to take you to the ball tonight, not the beat-up lemon that barely chugs along. Travel in style and dress as if you are flying first-class all the way. There is a boisterous social element to the day that should make your waking hours pleasurable and possibly very romantic.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Todays Forecast - 26/09/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, dear Aries, it wouldn't be surprising. The energy that's occurring can have you on edge and even the slightest thing may trigger your temper. Keep this in mind as you go through the day and bite your tongue before you blast someone without thinking. You'd be better to work on your own if you want to get anything accomplished providing you aren't too demanding or hard on yourself as well. Take it slow and easy today.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Some believe that depression is really anger turned inwards, dear Taurus. This might be something you want to seriously consider today. How well do you handle anger? Do you express it at the time or bury it? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Anger doesn't have to be the enemy. It can be an excellent signal that something isn't right for you. Try viewing it this way and seek out ways to communicate it when it occurs. Stuffing it can only make things worse.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
Things might really get under your skin today, dear Gemini. It might be a result of someone moving too slow for your taste or a criticism that is made. Perhaps it will have to do with a lack of patience with yourself. Regardless of the cause, consider taking as many breaks throughout the day as it takes to keep your temper in check. It can be too easy to blurt something out that you wind up regretting later. Take things as slow and easy as possible today.

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
It can be a tough day for you, dear Cancer, if you aren't comfortable handling anger directed at you from another person. Try to keep in mind that the other person is trying to let you know that they're not okay with something and this can be a positive thing towards bringing changes about. How they express the anger is another thing however. If there is any abuse or violence, you'd be wise to get as far away from that person as soon as possible.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
Things may feel a little out of whack for you today, dear Leo. With the energy that's coming from the day's aspects, feelings of agitation, anger or restlessness can be common. Keep this in mind as you go about your business - especially if you find yourself in any sort of confrontation. The likelihood of being reactive rather than proactive is greater and things may be said in haste only to be regretted later. Talk a walk to cool down if necessary.

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
Your usual intensity is probably going to be increased today, dear Virgo. With the aspects that are occurring you may take things far too seriously and you'll need to exert more self-control than usual. If it's possible, work alone to avoid becoming frustrated with others. If you can't, take several breaks throughout the course of the day such as walking, having a glass of water or doing some deep breathing. These will help you keep your cool and to keep things better in perspective. Take things slow and easy.

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
If you're angry about something, find the best way to communicate it, dear Libra, without hurting someone. While anger is a healthy emotion that signals you when something isn't right for you, how you express it makes all the difference in the outcome of any situation. There is considerable skill in effective communicating. It's not just words but also tone of voice, facial expression, and body language. If you're unfamiliar with an "I statement," you may want to read some books on the subject to help you express yourself in a better way.

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
As a Scorpio, verbal communication isn't always a strong suit. Working out problems with others can be challenging as a result - especially when you're really angry. Consider writing a letter to the person involved as a means to speak your mind. This alternative may prove far more comfortable and effective for you as it gives you the time you need to think about your words. Further, the recipient also has time to consider your perspective before responding. Give this a try.

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Think things through today, dear Sagittarius, before saying or doing anything. With the energy that's occurring, it can be far easier for mistakes to be made and reactions to be in haste. You may find your patience level way down and frustration level to the roof on a day like today and it's important to take steps to ensure you don't say or do something that you'll be sorry for later. Take a deep breath or go for a short walk to help clear your head if need be.

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
Look for healthy ways to express any anger you're feeling today, dear Capricorn. While emotions are not always something that we can control, how we express and deal with them is. How do you handle anger? Do you communicate effectively or wind up stuffing your emotions? Do you sometimes take your frustration out on others? Take a look at your coping skills today to see if there aren't new ways to handle emotions you haven't tried yet. Search the web or find a book. There's a lot of information to be had.

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
If there's anything you need to keep watch for today, dear Aquarius, it'll be your temper. Don't be too quick to jump on anyone without checking all of the information out first. On days like this, it can be too easy to make a mistake and act rashly. Rather than letting things get to you, consider taking some time to yourself every now and then to keep yourself under control. The things that enrage you today may seem far smaller tomorrow.

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
You might find today, dear Pisces, that it's almost impossible to be patient with others and yourself. With the influence from this day's aspects, irritation, impatience, and anger are all likely to be felt stronger and quicker than usual. If things don't fall into place, rather than getting upset, consider leaving it for another day. Don't be too hard on yourself or others. Further, biting your tongue might save you in the long run.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Horoscope For - 25/09/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
An opportunity to travel by air, or to advance your education in some way, could be brought to your attention today in a rather unusual way. Friends might approach you with the idea, or it could come via email or the Internet. This can make a big difference to your future, dear Aries, so don't let the opportunity pass you by without at least considering it. And don't be surprised if more lucky breaks appear on the scene at this time.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Today you might learn of a sudden rise in your financial status, though it might take a while before any funds are actually available to you. This is likely to make a big difference in your life, dear Taurus, so take the time to sit down and contemplate exactly what you want this break to do for you. Strange and bizarre dreams may plague your sleep tonight. Write down the symbols and then go back and analyze them later.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
Unexpected and beneficial changes could take place in your romantic life today, dear Gemini. If you are in a committed relationship, expect your partner to get a lucky break right now. If you are involved but not committed, your partner could suddenly propose that you move ahead with the relationship. If you are not involved, you could fall in love at first sight! This represents not only a positive change in your relationship, but your entire life as well. Enjoy!

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
Have you been looking for a new start or a new project in which to participate? If so, expect to find it today in a rather unusual manner. You could well find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet the right person. You could find it stressful, disruptive, and a bit overwhelming, dear Cancer - but don't let the opportunity pass you by. It could make a positive difference in your lifestyle over the months to come.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
Sudden creative inspiration could come your way today, and you might want to express it through the use of modern technology in some way. This is a great day to learn computer graphics. If you've been thinking of trying your hand at writing, dear Leo, this is the day to get started. Your mind is especially quick and penetrating right now, so whatever you try today could bring considerable benefits your way. Go to it!

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
An unusual and beneficial development in your personal life could have you contemplating moving. This represents not only a positive change in your living conditions, but in your entire life as well. New friends and contacts could appear on the scene, probably those in interesting professions or who share a lot of your own interests. Expect some visitors in the evening. This could be a rather overwhelming day, but a wonderful one nonetheless. Enjoy!

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Expect some great news today via phone, email, fax, or the Internet. This could involve a lucky break of some kind, auguring beneficial changes in both profession and lifestyle. A number of short journeys in your near neighborhood may be necessary, and you could stop by the homes of friends or neighbors to tell them all about what's been happening with you. Enjoy your day, dear Libra. You won't have too many quite like this one!

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
If you've been endlessly waiting for some luck to come your way. You won't have to wait any longer because today is the day. Everything on today's agenda, dear Scorpio, indicates lucky breaks regarding money - though it might be a while before you actually have access to it. Be careful, however. An increase in money can also trigger the impulse to spend it, so bear this in mind before you give in to the temptation!

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Today promises to be one of the most fortunate days you've had in a long time, dear Sagittarius. You could find yourself in just the right place at the right time to meet the right person - which could propel you in a specific direction you've been wanting to take! This is not really pure luck, however. Changes that have been going on within you have caused you to attract the breaks you deserve. Make the most of them!

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
If you've been contemplating undertaking a major creative project, dear Capricorn, this is the day to do it. Sudden inspiration and revelations could come from within your brain, almost like fireworks, which could have your intellect and imagination working overtime. This is also a great time to work on bringing any creative projects you have in mind into the public eye. Enlist the aid of friends and acquaintances; they're there to help you. Go for it!

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
A lucky break of some kind, or the attainment of a long-desired goal, could bring about sudden beneficial changes in your lifestyle. A change of scene or abode might possibly be involved. Your living conditions could be improved, dear Aquarius, and new and influential friends could come into your life. This is definitely the day to expect the unexpected, when you might find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet the right person. Go with the flow!

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
Exciting and beneficial changes in the workplace could bring unexpected yet gratifying advancement your way today. This is likely to have long-reaching effects inasmuch as career advancement could lead to a significant change in your socioeconomic status. You might find it a bit overwhelming, however, and more than a bit disruptive as well as physically tiring. Nonetheless, dear Pisces, it would be in your best interests to go with the flow.Aries :- March 21 - April 19
An opportunity to travel by air, or to advance your education in some way, could be brought to your attention today in a rather unusual way. Friends might approach you with the idea, or it could come via email or the Internet. This can make a big difference to your future, dear Aries, so don't let the opportunity pass you by without at least considering it. And don't be surprised if more lucky breaks appear on the scene at this time.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Today you might learn of a sudden rise in your financial status, though it might take a while before any funds are actually available to you. This is likely to make a big difference in your life, dear Taurus, so take the time to sit down and contemplate exactly what you want this break to do for you. Strange and bizarre dreams may plague your sleep tonight. Write down the symbols and then go back and analyze them later.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
Unexpected and beneficial changes could take place in your romantic life today, dear Gemini. If you are in a committed relationship, expect your partner to get a lucky break right now. If you are involved but not committed, your partner could suddenly propose that you move ahead with the relationship. If you are not involved, you could fall in love at first sight! This represents not only a positive change in your relationship, but your entire life as well. Enjoy!

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
Have you been looking for a new start or a new project in which to participate? If so, expect to find it today in a rather unusual manner. You could well find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet the right person. You could find it stressful, disruptive, and a bit overwhelming, dear Cancer - but don't let the opportunity pass you by. It could make a positive difference in your lifestyle over the months to come.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
Sudden creative inspiration could come your way today, and you might want to express it through the use of modern technology in some way. This is a great day to learn computer graphics. If you've been thinking of trying your hand at writing, dear Leo, this is the day to get started. Your mind is especially quick and penetrating right now, so whatever you try today could bring considerable benefits your way. Go to it!

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
An unusual and beneficial development in your personal life could have you contemplating moving. This represents not only a positive change in your living conditions, but in your entire life as well. New friends and contacts could appear on the scene, probably those in interesting professions or who share a lot of your own interests. Expect some visitors in the evening. This could be a rather overwhelming day, but a wonderful one nonetheless. Enjoy!

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Expect some great news today via phone, email, fax, or the Internet. This could involve a lucky break of some kind, auguring beneficial changes in both profession and lifestyle. A number of short journeys in your near neighborhood may be necessary, and you could stop by the homes of friends or neighbors to tell them all about what's been happening with you. Enjoy your day, dear Libra. You won't have too many quite like this one!

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
If you've been endlessly waiting for some luck to come your way. You won't have to wait any longer because today is the day. Everything on today's agenda, dear Scorpio, indicates lucky breaks regarding money - though it might be a while before you actually have access to it. Be careful, however. An increase in money can also trigger the impulse to spend it, so bear this in mind before you give in to the temptation!

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Today promises to be one of the most fortunate days you've had in a long time, dear Sagittarius. You could find yourself in just the right place at the right time to meet the right person - which could propel you in a specific direction you've been wanting to take! This is not really pure luck, however. Changes that have been going on within you have caused you to attract the breaks you deserve. Make the most of them!

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
If you've been contemplating undertaking a major creative project, dear Capricorn, this is the day to do it. Sudden inspiration and revelations could come from within your brain, almost like fireworks, which could have your intellect and imagination working overtime. This is also a great time to work on bringing any creative projects you have in mind into the public eye. Enlist the aid of friends and acquaintances; they're there to help you. Go for it!

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
A lucky break of some kind, or the attainment of a long-desired goal, could bring about sudden beneficial changes in your lifestyle. A change of scene or abode might possibly be involved. Your living conditions could be improved, dear Aquarius, and new and influential friends could come into your life. This is definitely the day to expect the unexpected, when you might find yourself in the right place at the right time to meet the right person. Go with the flow!

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
Exciting and beneficial changes in the workplace could bring unexpected yet gratifying advancement your way today. This is likely to have long-reaching effects inasmuch as career advancement could lead to a significant change in your socioeconomic status. You might find it a bit overwhelming, however, and more than a bit disruptive as well as physically tiring. Nonetheless, dear Pisces, it would be in your best interests to go with the flow.