Saturday, September 29, 2007

Daily Forecast - 30/09/2007

Aries :- March 21 - April 19
There are potentially several opportunities open to you, dear Aries, which weren't there at all before. The key is to take advantage of whatever opportunity presents itself right now. Find freedom in the strange and new. Be a pioneer person and venture out into unknown. This is a day to expand and reach new heights by having more confidence in yourself and your abilities. Things will get stale and boring if you keep doing the same things over and over again.

Taurus :- April 20 - May 20
Be brazen and bold in your actions today, dear Taurus. This may be a hard direction for you to move in at first, but you will find that it is the most effective way to get where you need to go. Unexpected ripples of emotion may cause you to go in unconventional directions. Let yourself flow freely. This is an important time for you to get up and get moving in response to these powerful emotions.

Gemini :- May 21 - June 21
The name of the game for you today is emotional freedom, dear Gemini. Your senses are heightened and you will find that the smallest things capture your attention today. Do not delay in your response to these events, big or small. You will find that the smallest event may
blossom into a whole new world of people and situations. Feel free to let your creativity explode into every part of your being.

Cancer :- June 22 - July 22
This is no time to be a stick in the mud, dear Cancer. Don't be the weak link in the chain. You will find that the energy of the day is to get up and go. So either lead, follow, or get out of the way. There are no excuses for you to back down. When opportunity knocks, you need to be ready with your bags packed. Your emotions may lead you down new and unexpected paths.

Leo :- July 23 - August 22
Reserve some time today that is explicitly your own, dear Leo. Unexpected events are likely to pop up and cause a stir in your emotions. Giving yourself personal space to digest and deal with them will keep you from suppressing your reaction to them. Make sure you have our internal maelstrom of thoughts settled before you get yourself tangled in the affairs of others.

Virgo :- August 23 - September 22
Try not to be so serious and intense today, dear Virgo. Walk with a lighter step and don't feel like you always need to be in control of every single thing you come in contact with. Take more of a go-with-the-flow attitude and you will be in exactly the place you need to be. Extreme actions will lead to extreme consequences, and there is no need for that sort of behavior.

Libra :- September 23 - October 23
Don't miss any opportunities today, dear Libra. No matter how tired you may feel, this is not the time to rest. This is one of those days when it is simply easier to be you. There is no need to shy away or hide your true desires. Say what you want and you will get it. There is no need to beat around the bush. Keep in mind, however, that there are unexpected energies that will get thrown into the mix.

Scorpio :- October 24 - November 21
Your plans may be shot to pieces today, dear Scorpio, but this does not mean that you should give up hope in any way. Sometimes it is necessary to let go of control and simply let things happen as they will. Adopt a spirit of adventure and take risks that you normally wouldn't. There is distinct advantage to being spontaneous and working harmoniously with the unexpected events that are bound to crop up.

Saggitarious :- November 22 - December 21
Today is one of those days when you have a terrific opportunity to break free from the normal rhetoric of everyday life, dear Sagittarius. Don't feel badly if you don't know exactly which way to go. Follow your gut feeling, and whichever way you decide to go is probably the right one. Your forceful, erratic approach may actually be the perfect method for getting exactly where you need to go.

Capricorn :- December 22 - January 19
Sometimes your daydreaming may lead you way out of your body into a place well beyond time and space, dear Capricorn. Your romantic nature wants to escape into this plane and never touch back down to the real world. Feel free to take a giant step toward that which tickles your fancy. Take the more lofty approach and encourage others to share your dreams, instead of letting them weigh you down.

Aquarious :- January 20 - February 18
Generally speaking, this should be quite a good day for you, dear Aquarius. You should have no problem setting a fast pace and sticking to it. There are opportunities in the strange and bizarre. Don't limit yourself by thinking narrow-mindedly. Let the electricity of the day lighten up the atmosphere and give your attitude the jolt it needs to get back on target. Be open to new ideas.

Pisces:- February 19 - March 20
Things may be moving a bit too fast for your liking today, dear Pisces. Make sure you continue at your own pace so that you don't get pushed into something you don't want to do. Eliminate all fear from your being. You will find that the more receptive and accepting you are, the more opportunities will come your way. Have faith in yourself and your actions by refusing to mindlessly follow whatever is going on in the crowd.