Saturday, May 24, 2008

Daily Horoscope - 25/5/2008


You are apt to have a strong need for emotional freedom, dear Aries. Perhaps you feel trapped in a situation in which you sense that you are being coerced or manipulated into feeling a certain way. If you can distance yourself from the situation, you are likely to see that you are indeed getting caught up in someone else's drama. Right now it is imperative that you find an outlet where you can express yourself freely without feeling like you have to act a particular way.


It is important that you take inventory of your habits and behaviors, dear Taurus. Look to certain patterns that have developed, and take note of those that work for you and those that don't. More than likely, you will be feeling a strong urge to break free from these repetitious routines, and create new paths for yourself which will allow for other opportunities to come along. You may not even be consciously aware that in many ways you are beating a dead horse. Don't continue to waste your energy on paths that are going nowhere.


You may be feeling smothered by certain individuals and loved ones who hang on to you like barnacles on a rock, dear Gemini. You are a big part of their emotional support system, and they rely on you for strength. Today, however, you may get frustrated by this extra weight, and more than likely you will want to rip those barnacles right off in order to give you more room to breathe. Freedom from the emotional baggage of others is a key lesson for the day.