Saturday, August 19, 2006



Persons born in Capricorn or makara sign will be tall, reddish brown in color with prominent hair on the eye-brows and the chest. Women born in Capricorn will be handsome and youngish in appearance. Capricorn have large teeth and sometimes protruding outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the second house is afflicted. The lips of Capricorn are fleshy and ladies have an inviting appearance. They have the knack of adopting themselves to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economies funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. Capricorn are noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness. In fact they are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest in literature, science and education. Sometimes they are vindictive. When saturn is badly posited, Capricorn are possessed of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good husbands or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house Capricorn can become philosophically minded or develop social consciousness.

CAPRICORN SUN : Mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, pushful, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm.
CAPRICORN MOON : Ever attached to wife and children, virtuous, good eyes, slender waist, quick in perception, clever, active, crafty, somewhat selfish, sagacious, strategic, liberal, merciless, unscrupulous, inconsistent, low morals, niggardly and mean.
CAPRICORN JUPITER : A weak body; not very intelligent. not much stamina or virility; will have to put in much hard labour for low financial returns; He has several low traits of character; will have a little sense of cleanliness or love for his people, or compression and his religious conduct will be low ; he lives at places other than his native one and is timid and melancholy.
CAPRICORN MARS : Rich, high political position, many sons, brave, generous, love for children, middle stature, industrious, indefatigable, successful, penetrating, bold, tactful, respected, generous, gallant, influential.
CAPRICORN MERCURY : Selfless, business tendencies, economical, debtor, inconsistent, low stature, cunning, inventive, active, restless, suspicious, drudging.
CAPRICORN VENUS : Fond of low class women, imprudent, ambitious, unprincipled, licentious, boastful, subtle, learned, weak body.
CAPRICORN SATURAN: Intelligent, harmony and felicity in domestic life, selfish, covetous, peevish, intellectual, learned, suspicious, reflective, revengeful, prudent, melancholy, inheritance from wife's parties.