Saturday, August 19, 2006


People born when Kanya or Virgo is rising will exhibit their intelligence and memory when quite young. They will be middle-sized persons and exhibit taste in art and literature. Their chest will be prominent and when afflicted, very weak also. They are discriminating and emotional and are carried away by impulses. As authors, Virgo make real progress especially in Bhouthika Sastras and Rasayan Sastras (Physical and Chemical Sciences) and can judge things at a glance. Virgo love music and fine arts and acquire much power and influence over other people. They are liable to suffer from nervous breakdowns and paralysis when the sign is afflicted. Other combinations warranting Virgo can become great philosophers or writers. They are generally lucky in respect of their wives or husbands.

VIRGO SUN : Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation.
VIRGO MOON : Lovely complexion, almond eyes, modest, sunken shoulders and arms, charming, attractive, principled, affluent, comfortable, soft body, sweet speech, honest; truthful, modest, virtuous, intelligent, phlegmatic, fond of women, acute insight, conceited in self-estimation, pensive, conversationalist, many daughters, loquacious, astrologer and clairvoyant or attracted towards them, skilled in arts like music and dancing, few sons.
VIRGO JUPITER : Middle stature, ambitious, selfish, stoical, resignation, affectionate, fortunate, stingy, lovable, a beautiful wife, great endurance, learned.
VIRGO MARS: Imitable, explosive, trouble in digestive organs, no marital harmony, general love for the fair sex, revengeful, self-confident, conceited, affable, boastful, materialistic, ceremonial-minded, positive, indiscriminative, pretentious, deceptive, scientific enterprises.
VIRGO MERCURY : Learned, virtuous, liberal, fearless, ingenious, handsome, irritable, refined, subtle, intuitive, sociable, no self-control, morbid imaginations, dyspeptic, difficulties, eloquent, author, priest, astronomer.
VIRGO VENUS :Petty-minded, licentious, unscrupulous, unhappy, illicit love, agile, loquacious, rich, learned.
VIRGO SATURN: Dark complexion, malicious, poor, quarrelsome, erratic, narrow-minded, rude, conservative, taste for public life, weak health.