Friday, September 22, 2006

Gemini - Seduction of the Sign

You & Your Gemini
Do ...
... enjoy the game of flirting with your Twins.
... be flexible and open -- your Gemini will want to play, and you may not be the only partner.
... be elusive, seductive and always slightly out of reach. A Gemini enjoys a chase.
... be well-read, well-informed and a very good listener.
... be talkative -- your Twins will engage you in hours of fascinating and entertaining conversation.
... use your mind, as well as your body, to make love. A Gemini will respond the strongest to a
partner who stimulates their mind.
... give Gemini the freedom that they need. They will broaden your horizons and teach you how to
thoroughly appreciate everything life has to offer.
... keep up! If you bore your Gemini, they will be gone faster than you can blink.
Don't ...
... tell your Gemini to stop flirting. Gemini is a natural social butterfly, and won't understand why
you want to repress their instinct.
... be a bad conversationalist or a bad audience. Gemini becomes bored easily, and may not want
to save the conversation for another time.
... question everything that's going on in your Gemini's mind. They will not appreciate an intrusion
into their complex and convoluted thought process.
... act too traditionally -- if you want to spend every hour in bed, you may have to get used to
some unexpected behavior.
... act too surprised -- they may bring a Scrabble board, some crackers and cheese, and a novel
into bed with the two of you.
... tie down or hold back a Gemini. They will slip through your fingers like quicksilver.