Saturday, September 16, 2006

Taurus - Seduction by the Sign

You & Your Taurus
Do ...
... cook your Taurus their favorite meal -- complete with candlelight and romantic music.
... take the time to make it special -- they will appreciate the good food, gorgeous setting and
great company.
... be ready to share quality time with your Taurus, cuddling will always be a favorite.
... expect support in return -- this Sign will always be there for you when you need them, with
open arms and an open heart.
... be supportive of their career choices and the day-to-day work that they do.
... expect them to be generous -- they will strive to provide the two of you with the fruits of labor.
Taurus loves the finer things in life, and they believe that a partner should share in them.
... take every opportunity to give subtle but sincere compliments. Your Taurus will accept and
appreciate the confidence boost.
... be patient, loving and always encouraging as your Taurus builds up steam. They will eventually
show you how completely fulfilling a relationship can be.
Don't ...
... ever break a date or not be at home at the hour your Taurus is supposed to call.
... be unpredictable -- this Sign will take your action to heart. Taurus is dependable, and expect a
partner to be equally so.
... rush, pull or push a Taurus into making a decision -- you'll wear yourself out and irritate them in
the process.
... be impatient -- Taurus will absolutely take their time.
... act stubborn -- once the Taurus mind is made up, don't try to change it. This Sign is known for
being utterly implacable once they form a opinion.
... be wishy-washy -- if you aren't sure you want a serious relationship, don't start one with a
... question your relationship -- relationships are very important to the Bull, and once they commit,
they stay committed.
... overspend and jeopardize financial stability.
... be too controlling of finances -- your Taurus may take total control of the checkbook to ensure
that things stay within the budget.