Monday, October 02, 2006

Scorpio - Friendship Compatibility - Scorpio and Sagittarius

When Scorpio and Sagittarius form a friendship, they need to ease into it, being careful not to
jump ahead of the game. Their patience will be rewarded! Sagittarius thrives on variety, novelty
and optimism. Scorpio values the experiences that strengthen the pair's emotional ties. Early in
the friendship, Sagittarius may feel somewhat tied down by Scorpio's expectations, but if Scorpio can keep their emotions in check, this pair can have a powerful and exciting friendship.
Scorpio and Sagittarius share a probing, explorative outlook on life. They delight in shared
adventures. Sagittarius may find Scorpio stubborn and inflexible. Scorpio may think Sagittarius is at times too hot-headed. Together they enjoy sharing knowledge and seeing new places. Their
friendship is always on the go.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars is the God of War,
paving the way for Scorpio's determined, courageous character. Mars, when combined with
Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal. Jupiter focuses on philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. This combination of growth and masculine energy is why they admire and sustain one another.

Scorpio is a Water Sign, and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius initiates projects from pure
whim and spontaneous action, while Scorpio's motives are more subdued. These friends may
sometimes find it difficult to understand where the other gets their inspiration. However, if both
agree that the friendship is important, then their loyalty and admiration will provide the most
valuable support.

Scorpio is a Fixed Sign, and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Both signs tend to be focused on
multiple projects, but only under the guidance of Scorpio will these tasks be completed. However, Sagittarius likes to move from project-to-project at will. Fortunately, it's easy for Sagittarius to notice and appreciate Scorpio's efforts, as the Scorpion is more stubborn and has stringent standards. In turn, Scorpio needs to give Sagittarius the freedom to explore their own space and interests. Scorpio can make Sagittarius' ideas come to fruition, even if Sagittarius has lost interest and moved on. Sagittarius can teach Scorpio that flexibility is sometimes better than a resolute determination.

The best aspect of the Scorpio-Sagittarius friendship is the security and flexibility they can give
each other. They make a compatible pair once they learn to look at the world through each
other's philosophies and open up to each other. As long as they communicate and celebrate their
differences, theirs will be a passionate friendship.